Vote Your World View

Just 19 weeks until the election. If you’re not overly enthusiastic about particular candidates, you don’t need to be. We’re not voting for people; we’re voting for our world view–for what we believe America should pursue and what we should oppose. Let’s consider our choices.

You will be voting for a president and U.S. congressmen as well as state and local leaders. They will span a broad spectrum of desirable and undesirable traits. But each will lead us toward one of two world views that will define the future of our nation. Those world views form the basis for the Republican and Democratic platforms. Particularly as a Christian, you have a critical and weighty choice this November that will impact the rest of your life and future generations. So, it is essential that you not get caught up in candidates, but rather in what those candidates believe and represent. Here are some of the more important elements of the two opposing official platforms–their world views.

Although this list is far from an exhaustive account of the party platforms, it should be enough to help you decide how the two parties match up with your world view. Between now and November, try to shift you perspective from candidates, although they are an important consideration, to what kind of nation you want America to be in the coming years and vote accordingly.

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