Trump May Be the Most Loving President Ever

Donald Trump

In the wake of the impeachment trial and all the accusations of hate personified in our president, the title of this post will seem preposterous to many. However, let’s zoom out from all the media and public rhetoric that constantly slam him and view what really drives him. We will see a president who loves the American people more than any of his predecessors have. Let’s take a look.

Certainly, the president does not endear himself to Americans by his over-inflated ego, his boisterous language, and his put-down of adversaries in speech and tweets. His disregard for tradition and the status quo has drawn the rabid ire of his political foes. Without a doubt, he offers a daily dish of opportunity for harsh criticism. Do we all wish he would dial it back? Absolutely. But it’s important that we see through his often impulsive and repulsive methodology and understand the underlying compassion in his purpose.

I believe evidence shows his pursuit of the presidency was not driven by ego enhancement and personal gratification as is widely believed. His concern for people’s problems and belief in his solutions were his motivation for leaving the comfortable billionaire life to lead the nation to prosperity. His three years in the White House have proven his unwavering fight for a better life for all Americans. He was convinced his business experience and economic philosophy would re-energize the nation’s economy, create jobs, and rectify the international trade imbalance. He also knew his experience would help restore our military’s credibility in defending our freedoms. He used his big-business confrontational negotiating acumen to bring China, Europe, Canada, and Mexico to the table for trade resets that benefit all Americans. His determination to drastically decrease crime and drug addiction in our country resulted in major reductions in illegal immigration. The judicial oppression and moral decay he observed in our liberal courts have been reversed by his appointments of unprecedented numbers of conservative judges. These and many more examples have convinced me that President Trump is not in this for personal gain, but for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to better the quality of life for all Americans.

If he’s so loving, why does he so often revert to words and actions that don’t fit most people’s definition of love? I have to go no further than Jesus to understand some of it. Now, don’t think I’m comparing Trump to Jesus. The president is far from divine. However, Jesus, the ultimate characterization of love for mankind, turned over tables and snapped a whip in the temple, dubbed the cultural leaders snakes, and even called his disciples fools. Yet all of Jesus’ harshness was for the ultimate loving purpose of attaining the best for all people.

I have observed 12 presidents in my lifetime and none has accomplished as much good for all Americans in his first term as President Donald Trump. This in spite of his incurring more vengeful opposition than any of the other 11. He has a rare knack for throwing off the opponents’ attacks and concentrating on the people’s needs.

President Trump’s bizarre actions and inflammatory words are sometimes attributable to his character and personality. More often, though, I believe they are theatrics and purposeful means to an end–unorthodox methods of producing the overall good for all concerned. He has never shown any tendency toward corruption but has rooted out corruption at every turn. He has never shown any desire for dictatorship but has supported freedom at every level. He has never shown any sinister motives but has outed many sinister plots of others. He has never shown any motivation but that which would elevate the standard of living for all Americans.

Unlike our view of other presidents and world leaders, our perception of this president  has to penetrate the surface to realize who he really is and what he values. His love for America and its people is clear in all he deems worth fighting for. He works feverishly to accomplish what will improve the safety and quality of life for those he loves, the American people. Isn’t that what we want in a president?

Why the Hate and Violence Should Not Be Perplexing

Never before has America been hammered by such domestic hate and violence on a daily basis. We could blame it on the liberals reacting in desperation over losing their momentum in the socialization of the nation. We could blame it on the President’s malicious rhetoric. But, the real cause is the abandonment of spiritual sensitivity predicted long ago.

Who is responsible for all the obscene lambasting, assault, and killing? Everything in me wants to point to the likes of Maxine Waters, Robert De Niro, Eric Holder, hecklers and rioters, and the liberal news media.  And, yes, I wish the President would tone it down. However, if we can just step back and take a deep breath, we can see it is not so much who is responsible; it is what is responsible. A basic understanding of prophecy and the destiny of mankind provides all the insight we need into what is happening.

Just a cursory look at recent history reveals we have been experiencing a progressively turbulent and decadent time over the last half century. We can’t continue in our present trend of moral decay and humanistic leaning and expect to survive for much longer. The Bible is clear in its description of the approaching culmination of all creation. Here are some words of Jesus from Matthew 24 describing the end times:

  • You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars…nation will rise against nation…there will be famines and earthquakes…many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another…false prophets will arise and will mislead many…because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.

I believe we are living in this period right now. At no time in American history have we witnessed such animosity including verbal as well as physical attacks on each other. Certainly, the Civil War divided our nation, but that was over the narrowly focused issues of slavery and states’ rights. Our present divisions are fueled by almost unlimited political, social, racial, religious, and moral issues. The scope of the hate is too wide to be explained as issue related. The exponential increase in shootings, bombings, riots, assaults, and conspiracies is a symptom of many hearts grown cold and minds turned evil across the full spectrum of the population.

Our condition is the foreseeable result of our movement away from God’s standards and our acknowledgement of Him within the family, government, and through the church. America’s religious quotient has been measured often by numerous research organizations and found to be swiftly digressing in all things spiritual. History shows repeatedly that nations suffering our condition become weakened and often eventually cease to exist.

This seems bleak, but we are not without hope. Such condition is the precursor or early sign of a much better time. The Bible promises that, when hate and violence get so bad we can no longer survive, God will bring everything to a triumphant end as Christ comes again to re-establish peace and perfection on earth. How much longer that will be, no one knows. But, we are experiencing most of the preliminary signs today.

We should always strive for love and peace within our society. We should pray, worship, vote, serve, and communicate in a way that promotes harmony with one another.  However, ending all the hate and violence is not going to be accomplished through the government, social programs, or even individual behavior. Our real hope is the peace that passes all understanding. This hope is only realized through a return to faith in God rather than man and living in anticipation of Christ’s imminent return.



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