Make America (Spiritually) Great Again


Against all opposition, the Trump administration is generating major headway in making America great again. Even his critics have to admit we are getting stronger economically, militarily, and industrially. Sadly, though, our nation is not strengthening in the most important area–spiritually.

Since the spiritual upheaval of the 1960’s, the divorce rate has doubled, teen suicide has tripled, violent crime has quadrupled, babies born out of wedlock has risen six-fold, and couples living together out of wedlock has increased seven-fold. America now has the highest percentage of single-parent families in the industrialized world, the highest abortion rate, the highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases, the highest rate of teenage births, the highest rate of teenage drug use, and the largest prison population per capita than any country in the world. Gay marriage, unbiblical and unthinkable a few decades ago, is now legal. Even in the American church, the sexual sins and scandals of more and more leaders are being exposed. The percentage of Americans who follow Bible-based values for living has dropped from 65 percent to 4 percent since World War II.

There has never been a society in the history of mankind whose moral values have deteriorated so dramatically in a half-century. And the deterioration is exponential spiraling downward at its highest rate just in the last few years. These statistics should convince Americans that something is terribly wrong with our spiritual health.

Most Americans lament this moral degradation, but blame the liberalism in government, the failure of the churches, the enticement of the entertainment industry, and even the news media. These are all contributors to our depraved spiritual condition, but making America spiritually great again can only be a reality when we all look to ourselves for the answer. Children will only reverse the dive in biblical values and principles if parents are intentional in instilling them. Instead of so much pressure toward sports, school studies, and social acceptance, parents should pray with their children, accompany them to church, and teach them absolute truths of the Bible.

Of course, before parents can have legitimate spiritual impact on their children or anyone, they must be grounded in their own faith. This has to start with absolute assurance of one’s relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Seventy-seven percent of Americans believe their chances of going to heaven are excellent. Thirty-three percent believe one day everyone will go to heaven. Yet, only 33 to 45 percent claim to be born-again Christians–the ones who will spend eternity with God according to the Bible.

The only way to make America spiritually great again is to draw a circle around one’s self and first make absolutely certain the person in that circle is right with God. Then, extend that circle to the family and ensure everyone in the circle is led to become a follower of Christ. This includes involvement in the local church–God’s only provision of a venue for living out His purpose.

If you are not sure whether you are ready and qualified to fulfill your role in making America spiritually great again for this and the next generation, I invite you to visit There you will find the fundamental first steps to a life of purpose according to the One who created you. Please invite others to this website page.

(Note: The statistics in this post are mostly from


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