We Must Recognize the Democratic Party for What It Is

I have disagreed with the Democrat party for years, but have tried to accept it as a legitimate alternative voice in our government. However, I can no longer stomach its determined pursuit of socialism, devaluation of life, disdain for biblical truth, disruption of family, and disregard for civil order. The party has institutionalized evil. I am uncomfortable using that word, but darkness can only be overcome by light.

I first realized the Democrats’ blatant secularism during the 2012 Democratic convention when the DNC chairman proposed to reinsert the word “God” into the Democratic Platform. The chairman attempted three voice votes from the floor, and each time the vote was overwhelmingly against including “God.” The chairman finally ignored the obvious nay votes from the majority and declared the proposal as passed. The convention floor roared with shouts of anger. Now this week we learned that a key Democratic House committee has drafted new rules for the swearing in of investigation witnesses that leave out “so help me God.”

The character of a nation is largely defined by its spiritual awareness reflected in its politics. America is polarized between two philosophies of life or world views–Republican and Democratic. The Republican party is far from perfect and certainly has its share of moral lapses and wayward players. But as an institution, it generally holds to the biblical principles of freedom, peace, moderation, free market, patriotism, law and order, sanctity of life, and traditional family.

Conversely, the Democratic party has a history of promoting bondage, anarchy, extremism, socialism, rebellion, lawlessness, abortion, and LGBT activism. Although these characteristics of the party were evident as far back as the Kennedy era, they have become much more predominant in recent years. Just in the last decade, under President Obama, gay marriage became law, wealth was forcefully redistributed, our military served as the laboratory for radical social experiments, law enforcement was demonized, and thousands violently rioted in the streets over a legitimate election. Democratic obsession with so-called gender dysphoria created rampant confusion in children and young adults.

Many ungodly cultural shifts are being fostered through the liberal-leaning courts. The majority of current federal judges were appointed by Presidents Obama or Clinton, and the Senate Democrats are obstructing the confirmation of President Trump’s judicial appointments. The confirmation process for Judge Kavanaugh was a shameful spectacle of demonic-like behavior and contempt for law and order by Democrats on the Judicial Committee.

Just in the last few months, the mostly Democratic news media have made a celebrity of a socialist activist elected to the House of Representatives. Other newly elected Democratic Representatives spewed obscene hostilities against the President publicly. The early announcers for the 2020 presidential campaign are the most radically liberal candidates ever, making Bernie and Hillary seem angelic in comparison.

The Democratic personification of evil is not just in Washington. Hollywood, Broadway, and Nashville stars give us a daily dose of obscene hate speech against rightfully elected government officials. Some have threatened bodily harm or death. Almost all of these miscreants proudly claim allegiance to the Democratic party.

The five highest crime-rate cities in America–Detroit, St. Louis, Oakland, Memphis, and Birmingham–all have a long history of Democratic mayors. America’s highest poverty levels are almost all in cities led by Democrats. Again, leadership depravity results in the darkest environments.

These examples barely scratch the surface of Democratic iniquities. However, in my opinion, the epitome of evil acts by Democrats was the New York Assembly’s late-term abortion bill enacted just last week. New York joined seven other states, all with Democratic governments, in legalizing abortions up to the moment of birth. The assembly celebrated by standing ovation, and the governor lit up the new World Trade Center in honor of the “victory.” This law means a mother can go into labor and then decide to kill the baby just before delivery. Of course, that is no more despicable than a first trimester abortion, but it would have to require more emotional and spiritual numbness on the part of the mother and the abortionist. What possible sense does it make that, if a baby were born at 4:35, willfully killing him or her at 4:36 would be capital murder, but willfully killing him or her at 4:34 would have been perfectly legal and even applauded by many? New York’s legislature is 71% Democratic.

I believe many silent Americans see the lunacy in the Democrat party, but are afraid of being labeled politically incorrect. They are mesmerized by the liberal media’s promotion of the Democratic world view and fear being rejected by their peers. The heart of America is crying out for courageous men and women to stand up and be counted among those who truly love our country and who will fight to preserve all that is right, just, and good.

In labeling the Democratic party evil, I have had a few friends respond that some Democrats are moderate and do not agree with all of the party’s philosophy and platform. My retort is, if one identifies with any organization, he or she is supporting that organization’s values and principles. I believe the Democratic party has institutionalized evil and is destroying America from within. It is becoming the nation’s worst enemy. Democrats should be loved unconditionally as precious fellow men and women, but recognized for who they are and called out accordingly. There is a cultural war in America, and the battle is at the ballot box, not in violent reaction. We need to pray that America will come together in a spirit of civility recognizing our roots and faith that made us the greatest country in history. As for my fellow citizens associated with the Democratic party, I urge you to choose this day whom you will serve.






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