Hopelessly Divided?

America is divided as in no other time since the Civil War. National dissonance has metastasized far beyond political competitiveness. It is now a schism between patriotism and anarchism. Americans are forced to choose between traditional American values and an aggressive movement toward socialist anarchy.

I have tried for months to avoid seeing this movement for what it is, convincing myself that the radical anti-American faction was just a fringe culture–a splinter group. But it has become obvious that half of our nation has aligned with this attack on our traditional values. The moderately conservative Democratic party of a few decades ago is now the socialistic anarchist party of today.

Anarchy may seem to be an over-the-top description of the movement drawing in half of our country, but let’s take a hard look at reality. Anarchy is defined as disorder due to the absence of government authority or simply the absence of order–chaos. It is more than rioting and lawlessness. Here is what it looks like in America today.

  • Democrat leaders refusing to stop constant rioting, killing, and property destruction in most major cities
  • Democrats describing the riots, occupations, and violence as myths
  • Democrat leaders de-funding, restraining, and disestablishing the police
  • Democrats inciting racism by political pandering to minorities
  • Democrat leaders declaring many major cities as sanctuaries for harboring illegal immigrants and criminals
  • Democratic controlled media reporting with a totally liberal bias and censoring conservative voices
  • Democrats paralyzing government with a three-year, $40M investigation of the president based on known contrived evidence
  • Democrats impeaching the president over false claims and doing everything else possible to de-legitimize his presidency
  • Democratic Congressional “Squad” calling for the dismantling of our economy and political system as other Democrats follow their lead
  • Democrats pursuing gun control and confiscation
  • Democrats trying to abolish the electoral system so a few highly populated liberal states would elect every president
  • Democrats by the tens of millions supporting an avowed Socialist presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders
  • Democratic university and high school educators teaching radical social concepts and revisionist history to confused students
  • Democrats holding kangaroo court hearings of the president’s cabinet members with constant attacks while disallowing responses
  • Democrats insisting on trillions more dollars for Covid-19 economic stimulus risking unmanageable national debt for political advantage
  • Democrats using delay tactics to slow the reopening of the economy and suppressing promising drugs
  • Democrats keeping their presidential candidate, Joe Biden, from public appearances to hide his real agenda and lack of capacity for leadership
  • Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, claiming he would be the most progressive (revolutionary) president in history

I could go on, but I’ll stop there. All of these moves are attempts weaken or abolish America as we know it.

Democratic rhetoric and actions of late define anarchy as a demonstration of love, rioting as peaceful protests, civility as weakness, lawlessness as an appropriate objective, destruction of property as a right, and the free market as racist.

I don’t believe there has ever been a time in our nation’s history when the words of Isaiah have been more descriptive: Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight! …Who justify wicked for a bribe, and take away the rights of the ones who are in the right!

The battle for the soul of America has become a battle for the survival of America. We must pray more fervently than ever before for the containment of anarchy in our country. We are not without hope, but victory will only come from the Lord. So pray and act as you are guided. Vote against the attempt to abolish all that our great nation stands for.

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Who Is Joe Biden?


It looks like Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee for president. We should know a lot about him, since he has held political office longer than two-thirds of America’s people have lived. We may think we know Joe, but let’s take a close look at who this man was and is.

Vice President Biden was born on November 20, 1942. He grew up in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the son of Joseph Biden, Sr., a used car salesman, and Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Biden. In 1955, his family moved to Mayfield, Delaware, a blue-collar community where almost everyone worked for DuPont chemical company. As a teenager, he work to help pay his tuition to the prestigious Archmere Academy.  He became a standout football player described by his coach as one of the best pass receivers of his 16 year coaching career.

He studied history and political science while playing football for the University of Delaware Blue Hens. He admits he was more interested in girls and partying than academics and barely qualified for law school. The inauguration of President Kennedy inspired him enter Syracuse University Law School in 1965. The next year, he married Niellia Hunter with whom he says he fell in love at first sight. A mediocre law student, he flunked one of his first classes for not citing a reference on an assignment. He managed to graduate and pass the bar exam, then moved to Wilmington, Delaware to practice law.

He immediately became an active member of the Democratic Party and was elected in 1970 to the New Castle County Council. From there, his political life would continue unbroken to this day. In 1972, at just 29 years of age, he ran a long-shot race for the U.S. Senate to unseat a popular Republican incumbent, J. Caleb Boggs. His narrow victory made him the fifth youngest senator in the nation’s history. That year, just a week before Christmas, his wife and daughter, Naomi, were killed in a terrible car accident while Christmas shopping. His two sons, Beau and Hunter, were severely injured. Devastated to the point of considering suicide, Joe desired to withdraw from the Senate seat, but his family and friends convinced him to honor his commitment to the voters. Considering his family situation, he decided to commute to Washington from Wilmington by train. This commute continued for his 36 straight years in the senate.

Biden married his second wife, Jill Jacobs, in 1977, and they had a daughter, Ashley, born in 1981. Jill Biden has a PhD in education. In 2015, Joe Biden suffered another personal loss when his son, Beau, died at age 46 after battling brain cancer.

In 1987, Joe decided to run for president, but dropped out of the primary after reports that he plagiarized part of a speech. He had been suffering headaches during the campaign, and doctors diagnosed two life-threatening brain aneurysms requiring surgery. After seven months of recovery, he resumed his senate obligations.

Twenty years later, the senator once again ran for the presidency. However, his 35 years in the senate failed to create enough support to overcome the field dominated by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. He dropped out after receiving less than 1% of the Iowa caucuses votes. A few months later, the victorious Obama selected Biden for his running mate. His job was to help the low-experienced Obama convince the blue collar workers he could recover the sluggish economy. The duo prevailed in victory.

Vice President Biden’s main wheel house was behind-the-scenes advisor to the president in foreign affairs and financial policy. He is credited in hammering out negotiations with Russia and tax increases with the Congress. He was also a leading figure in the national gun control debate.

His climb to the top of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary race has been fraught with many issues. His alleged Ukraine scandal to enrich his son, Hunter, plus Hunter’s other misdeeds are constant drags on his campaign. His age at inauguration, if elected, would be 78, eight years older than the next oldest newly elected president in our history…Donald Trump. Biden would be 82 at the end of his first term, older than 98% of all Americans. A lot of speculation is stirring about his health, particularly his mental acuity at that age. Many go so far as questioning his mental state, even suggesting he has the onset of dementia or alzheimer’s. These assessments are mostly based on his exponential increase in verbal gaffes.

Although Joe has been gaffe-prone most of his life, he seems to be stockpiling the incidents of late. Here are just a few examples from his present campaign rhetoric:

  • Calling his opponent, Julian Castro, “Cisneros”
  • “You can’t, in fact, preach to the choir if you can’t sing.”
  • “I’m going to make sure that we rejoin the Paris Peace Accord on day one.” (The Paris Peace Accord was the treaty to end the Vietnam War)
  • Saying he went to college at Delaware State (a historically black college) instead of University of Delaware
  • Claimed that over 40 students were shot at Kent State in 1970 (actually only four)
  • Confusing Iraq and Syria
  • “We have to start rewarding work, not just wealth. I would eliminate the capital gains tax.”
  • “Why in God’s name should someone who’s clipping coupons in the stock market pay a lower tax rate than someone who is a school teacher and a firefighter.”
  • Claimed his policy would put more than 720 million American women to work
  • “My health plan is not quality and will increase premiums.”
  • “Who is Boris Johnson?”
  • Told a moving story about pinning a Silver Star on an elderly Navy captain in Afghanistan. When the statement was challenged as being totally false, he said the central point of the story was correct.
  • “We choose truth over facts.”
  • “Poor kids are just as bright as white kids.”
  • Referring to the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, he said he remembered when the Parkland kids came to see him in Washington when he was vice president. (The Parkland shootings were in 2018, over a year after Trump took office.)
  • “What’s not to like about Vermont?” (He was in New Hampshire.)
  • “It’s a three-letter word: jobs.”
  • Recently declared, “I’m running for U.S. Senate!”

Many political pundits say the Democrats are going to Biden because he is the moderate choice. I suppose he is moderate compared to Bernie, but, make no mistake, he has spent his career pursuing liberal policies. He is far left of center. Joe Biden has had many personal and political challenges in his life and has shown amazing resilience. The question is, do we want a life-long, very old liberal politician who has never known anything but beltway politics since law school. He is ensconced in the swamp and may have serious mental issues. America has a crucial decision to make.




Why America Must Stop Courting Socialism

The internal threat of socialism in America must be stopped now. The Democratic party has gone from flirting with this political cancer to inviting it into their ranks. A socialist America would be a lost America. Calling it Democratic Socialism is deceptive. There is no legitimacy in applying any label of socialism to our capitalist economy. Let’s look at how socialism is already threatening your income and quality of life.

Socialism has been categorized into four main levels. The traditional Marxist-Leninist socialism of communist countries, e.g., China and Cuba, is what many of us grew up despising. Non-communist socialist countries such as Greece subscribe to Marxist-Leninist tenets, but without the aggressive dictators. Then there is 21st Century socialism which has recently popped up in countries through radical upheavals of the democratic process. Most of these governments are in Latin America and are crumbling after just a few years. More recently, several governments have begun to call themselves Democratic Socialists. That is, there is a semblance of  governing by the people through elected representation and personally owned property. However, Democratic Socialist laws support socialist concepts such as wealth distribution through taxation, universal health care, free college, guaranteed income, prolific labor unions, production controls, etc.  I believe the Democratic Socialism moniker is no more than an attempt to soften the depressing nature of the system. It is a way to pass it off as not-your-grandfather’s Marxist-Leninist government. We must understand socialism for what it is regardless of the adjective placed before the name.

Whatever the title, socialism is woefully inferior to capitalism on every level and a dangerous system. Due to the expected brevity of a blog post, I will withhold comment on the immoral, oppressive, and disincentive aspects of socialism and address just the economics of the beast. I believe economics is the practical measure of a government system, since it affects about every other quality of life element. Socialism fails miserably in the economics test.

The long-proven success of capitalism has made America the most prosperous nation on earth. Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, is the accepted measure of a nation’s economy. It is the total dollar value of all goods and services produced within the country in a year. It is also essentially the total income of all Americans during the year. America’s projected GDP for 2018 is just over $20 trillion. The best measure of the quality of life for a country’s citizens is per capita GDP, or each person’s share of the GDP. It also roughly equates to average yearly individual income. America’s current per capita GDP is $56,432. In comparison, the UK GDP per capita is $39,720, and Japan’s is $38,428. Russia (technically not a socialist country anymore) has a per capita GDP of $10,743.

Now, let’s look at the per capita GDP of those “enviable”  26 countries that proclaim themselves socialist. You know, the one’s the Democrats are showcasing. The six Marxist-Leninist countries have an average per capita GDP of $3,638 (China, the highest, is at $10,099). The five non-communist socialist countries average $5,700. The three labeled 21st Century Socialist average $4,834. Twelve Democratic Socialist countries average $4,494. These current numbers are about what Americans were earning in the 1950s.

Socialism has never in history improved the economy or quality of life for its subjects. It kills economies. Not one Democrat in America can justify his or her socialist leaning economically. They are simply interested in growing a big government that takes resources from the people and gives them goods and services based on needs of the government. Voters for Democratic candidates need to either learn some basic economics or be satisfied with a per capita GDP of less than $10,000.

A few years ago, I would have never believed Americans would elect a declared socialist to Congress. Now, we have four, three of which are card-carrying members of the Democrat Socialists of America (DSA). We all know about Senator Bernie Sanders. Then, last November, Americans elected to the House of Representatives Rashida Tlaib , a Muslim and DSA member and, of course, DSA member and smash hit, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The other Muslim and DSA sympathizer elected last November is Ilhan Omar who is also an outspoken anti-Semitic. Furthermore, there are 66 other Democratic members of Congress who openly claim ties to DSA.

Free market capitalism, the economic experiment spanning over two centuries, has produced the greatest economy in the history of the world leading to the greatest quality of life in history for us Americans. We of the present generation are extremely blessed to have inherited this phenomenal advantage from the sacrifices of our predecessors. Any movement that would threaten that way of life must be stopped for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Listen closely to every word that proceeds from the mouths of Democrats. Their socialist agenda is obvious. Remember that at the voting booth.


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